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GRAPHIC DESIGN with Gila Monster Studios
We create for you Websites, Posters, Flyers, Postcards, Comp Cards, Booklets, Look Books, Magazines, Calendars
Let's talk and work on your next project together,
Model/Actor Portfolio/Lookbook/Products
Creating professional LOOKBOOK (portfolio) with your existing photos.
Lookbook includes:
1. size US Letter
2. up to 32 pages (with this price )
3. up to Up to edited 60 photos
4. full model's resume.
5. all needed info and descriptions
Please provide:
full name, text about the person/subject
all info you want to place in your lookbook.
Up to 60 photos HD quality ONLY
Your Resume/bio (list of your achievements, shows, pageants, awards, titles)
Or all info about your buisness/products
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