Are you interested in hosting a (virtual) screening? We want to work with you!
Zbig Vision has an extensive library of films by Zbig Rybczynski and Dorota Zglobicka. We offer film screenings both in-person and online, and work with a variety of organizations, including universities, high schools, museums, art galleries, community organizations, corporations, and public and private venues.
Whether you are interested in including art films in your programming, creating virtual art exhibits, teaching online, or hosting a virtual Q&A with the filmmaker, we have many options available, including:
Virtual screenings
In-person screenings at your venue
Recorded Q&A with the filmmaker (send us your questions and we will record the answers for you)
Live Q&A with the filmmaker
Please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss how we can work together to bring unique and thought-provoking films to your audience.
To inquire about rates and details, please fill out our form below to get started.
Tell us a little bit more about yourself, and we’ll get right back to you. Thank you!
The Federal Copyright Act specifies that copyrighted materials like movies can be used publicly if properly licensed. However, neither the rental nor purchase of a movie in store on online carries the right to exhibit it outside of one’s home. The good news is Zbig Vision can properly license films and videos from our catalogue for a copyright-compliant exhibition.
What exactly is a public performance?
A public performance is the exhibition of a movie that is shown outside of someone's home,
What exactly is a virtual screening/streaming?
A virtual screening is the exhibition of a movie that is shown to a group of people via the internet, this is also a public performance but virtual.
To whom does copyright law apply?
This law applies to everyone, regardless of:
● Whether admission is charged.
● Whether the institution is commercial or nonprofit.
● Whether a federal, state, or local agency is involved.
● What year the movie was produced.
This means colleges, universities, public schools, public libraries, tv channels, VOD, museums, art galleries, open-air screenings, recreation departments, summer camps, churches, private clubs, prisons, lodges, businesses, and more all must properly license movies to show them publicly.
Do we need a license even if we don’t charge admission? What if someone owns the copy of the movie?
Yes. A license is required for all public performances regardless of whether admission is charged. The rental, purchase, lending, or download of a movie does not provide the right to exhibit it publicly outside the home unless the screening is properly licensed.
Who’s responsible if a film is shown without a license?
The management of the venue or premises where the movie is shown bears the ultimate responsibility and consequences of copyright infringement. However, anyone involved with the public performance of copyrighted material could be implicated.
If I purchased a license to show a movie, can I show that movie whenever I want?
Unfortunately, no. Licenses are valid for a specific time frame, designated in the License Agreement.
A small group is having an informal gathering in our facility. Do we still need a license?
Yes. A license needs to be obtained regardless of the number of people attending the screening if the movie is being shown outside the home.